Terms and Conditions of Engagement
Entire agreement:
Alicia’s House of Paws is the trading name of Alicia's House of Paws Ltd, registered at Old Dalkeith Road, EH22 1RS.
This agreement contains the entire agreement between the parties and/or supersedes all previous agreements and understandings between the parties. Each party acknowledges that, in entering into this agreement, they do not rely on any representation, warranty, information or document or other term not forming part of this agreement.
These terms and conditions are the contract between you (the client) and Alicia’s House of Paws (“us“, “we”, “ours” etc). By engaging our services, you agree to be bound by them and are governed by Scottish Law.
Please read this agreement carefully, your understanding and acceptance is by way of your signature or by engagement of our business.
1 Free consultation (meet and greet) and enrolment.
2. Financial - Costs, Invoicing & Payment
2.1 Rates are normally subject to review at the start of the financial year or calendar year (5th April of any given year).
2.2 Alicia’s House of Paws reserve the right to review rates and charges from time to time, out-with the above period.
2.3 Alicia’s House of Paws reserve the right to charge a session retainer fee for regular bookings of 100% when cancelled with less than 14 days notice, and 50% fee when cancelled with 14 days or more notice.
Ad hoc bookings that are cancelled are subject to a 100% cancellation fee regardless of notice time.
2.4 Invoices are issued monthly by email.
2.5 Payment method – [bank transfer]. Prompt payment is very much appreciated. Late payments could lead to payment in advance of service basis or temporary suspension of service.
2.6 Payment terms for any service is 7 days in advance.
2.8 Refund will be issued within 10 days of cancellation of advanced paid services if cancelled by Alicia’s House of Paws.
2.9 Emergency or non-avoidable short notice may be refunded at the discretion of Alicia’s House of Paws.
2.10 You will be liable for any charges relating to veterinary care for an accidental injury occurring whilst your dog is under our care, which is not due to our negligence.
2.11 If a dog becomes unwell under our care, not due to our negligence, we will administer first aid and if needed, seek veterinary care, the cost of which you will be liable for.
2.12 If a dog is injured due to our negligence, such as cleaning chemicals left unsecured, or malicious injury from another dog under our care, we will cover the veterinary fees associated with the dogs’ recovery and take steps to ensure that such an incident does not occur again.
3 Hours of Work, Holidays, Sickness
3.1 Hours of work are usually Monday – Friday 08:00 – 17:00 inclusive.
3.2 Holidays on the part of Alicia’s House of Paws require no payment from any clients, service will resume as normal on return. We are closed between the 22nd of December and the 4th of January inclusively each year.
3.3 If we are sick and unable to work, we will attempt to organise cover or a full refund will be issued to all clients within 10 working days. Alternative arrangements with other Edinburgh Dog Walkers or home visits can be requested if the client wishes, the cost of the service from another provider may differ from that charged by Alicia’s House of Paws and client is liable for the full cost.
4. Documentation – all certification is available for inspection upon request.
4.1 Full commercial insurance is held – comprising appropriate Public Liability, Care, Custody and Control and Key Cover - with Pet Business Insurance, Policy number ACE006058.
4.2 Canine First Aid Certificate Holder.
4.3 Pro Dog Trainer Qualified.
4.4 Registered dog walker with The City of Edinburgh Council.
5 Health & Safety and Law
5.1 Alicia’s House of Paws ensures the welfare, safety and security of your pet and premises during and after our visit – this is our absolute priority always.
5.2 Dogs must have harness or collar on with owner’s name and address. This is a legal requirement.
5.3 All dogs are walked subject to behaviour assessment and trial period to determine suitability for group walk.
5.4 Dogs will be kept on leads walking to and from the vehicle though off lead walking may be permitted following a reasonable period from engagement; providing your dog is well behaved, has good recall and the circumstances are deemed to be safe for your dog, myself, us and other members of the public who may also be within the vicinity; and subject to Local Authority regulation.
5.5 All dogs to be fully inoculated / vaccinated and treated with current worm / flea / tick treatment regularly. Any dog deemed not to be adequately treated will not be walked. Evidence of up-to-date inoculations is required on request. If an owner chooses not to routinely vaccinate their dog/ puppy (for example because they are choosing titre testing or using homeopathic nosodes), this is entirely the choice of the owner and is a decision made at their own risk.
5.6 No group walks for female dogs in season, pregnant dogs or ill dogs. One to one rates / home visit rates apply and are subject to availability. No refund will be issued unless at our discretion.
5.7 Reactive dogs may be muzzled for safety of all parties, walked solo or in a smaller group and you are required to undergo dog training with us or otherwise. If you do not wish your dog to wear a muzzle and we deem it to be a necessary precaution, we will not be able to care for your dog and our cancellation policy will apply.
5.8 Adverse weather conditions may lead to a limited service. Mutual communication is required. E.g. In very wet conditions, walks may be curtailed to ensure enough pet drying time; snow may lead to delays or cancellation of service.
Alicia’s House of Paws will notify you at earliest convenient time. No refund is issued in such cases.
5.9 All services are carried out in compliance with Animal Welfare Regulations, Dangerous Dogs Act and all local authority by-laws.
5.10 In accordance with local regulation all toileting mess is always cleared up using only biodegradable waste bags and placed into suitable bins.
6 Alicia’s House of Paws Commitment to You
6.1 For dog walking and day care services, the rate is inclusive of collection / safe return to dog exercise area, exercise period as agreed, treats, clear up of mess, full insurance and daily activity report. Walks are usually within your local area or at a designated local dog walking location.
6.2 Dog walking is within a small group for maximum care, attention and safety, at the discretion of Alicia’s House of Paws, subject to availability and behaviour assessment.
6.3 Where home visit agreement applies, the rate is inclusive of services agreed.
6.4 Upon engagement Alicia’s House of Paws will communicate by mobile messaging service such as, but not limited to, WhatsApp to report on progress by the end of the working day (5pm) however if an emergency occurs this may be later or through other means.
6.5 We endeavour not to interrupt your busy day unless there is an emergency. If we telephone, please be aware that we would need to speak to you urgently.
6.6 We endeavour to accommodate short notice / emergency bookings as best as possible, subject to feasibility and schedule and may charge an additional admin fee of £5.
6.7 We may use our own command/training words such as 'doggies!' to call a group of dogs.
6.8 Alicia’s House of Paws is responsible for any NI, income tax and pension contributions incurred because of receipt of payment from you.
6.9 Security of key and premises is assured always. Keys are labelled with only your pet’s name and they are only taken out of the vehicle to access your premises for a prior agreed pick up or visit to your pet and no third party has access to the keys.
6.10 Keys will not be labelled to identify you or your address.
6.11 Keys will be returned at the end of the contract or on demand.
6.12 We will not loan, duplicate or use the keys issued to us in any unauthorised manner.
6.13 We accept responsibility for the cost of replacement keys/cards, re-keying locks and any associated damage or losses should we lose the keys or should the keys be lost, stolen or misused while in our possession.
6.14 Alicia’s House of Paws will only access areas within your home as agreed with you to carry out duties as agreed.
6.15 Cancellation of service by us: will be refunded within 10 working days and if we must cancel or reschedule a session, we will provide you with as much notice as is reasonably possible.
6.16 We will not be liable for any failure or delay in carrying out our service where that failure or delay results from any cause that is beyond our reasonable control. Such causes include, but are not limited to: power failure, strikes, lock-outs or other industrial action by third parties, riots and other civil unrest, fire, explosion, flood, storms, earthquakes, subsidence, acts of terrorism (threatened or actual), acts of war (declared, undeclared, threatened, actual or preparations for war), epidemic or other natural disaster, keys failing to work or any other event that is beyond our reasonable control.
6.17 If any event described under 6.16 occurs that is likely to adversely affect our services, we will inform you as soon as is reasonably possible. Our services may be suspended at our discretion and any time limits that we are bound by will be extended accordingly. We reserve the right to charge a session retainer fee at our discretion.
6.18 We will inform you when the event outside of our control is over and provide details of any new dates, times or availability of services as necessary.
7 Your Responsibilities
7.1 Bookings must be made in advance and agreed by Alicia’s House of Paws. Bookings cannot be confirmed until client registration is completed correctly, and payment received.
7.2 Full and easy access to pets is required. For expediency, you shall allow access to Alicia’s House of Paws via a mutually compatible method. Failure to provide full and easy access for Alicia’s House of Paws to carry out agreed duties will incur charge of £20/hour in delay pro rota or the possibility of no walk / visit that day.
7.3 You must accurately and truthfully provide all relevant details about your pets and any specific requirements relating to your pets as required in the Client Registration; this includes but not limited to behavioural issues, likes, dislikes etc.
7.4 Provide special dietary treats and, oral medication if required. Oral medication administered at owner’s risk.
7.5 You agree to keep Alicia’s House of Paws up to date with emergency and full daily contact details as applicable.
7.6 You agree to advise us of any special requirements as soon as possible.
7.7 You agree to reimburse Alicia’s House of Paws for any additional fees for providing emergency care, as well as any expenses incurred for unexpected visits, transportation, housing, food, or supplies.
7.8 Any Vet fees / associated transport costs incurred because of non-negligent (accidental) injury or sickness to / in your pet whilst in the care of Alicia’s House of Paws may be payable by you.
7.9 You agree to indemnify and hold harmless Alicia’s House of Paws in the event of any claim, loss, damage, cost, expense, including legal fees, demand or proceedings however incurred or brought in respect of any damage or injury caused by your dog to 3rd parties, persons or their possessions as a result of non-negligence by us.
7.10 We would suggest that you hold appropriate insurance to protect you in the case of any liabilities arising.
7.11 You agree to indemnify and hold harmless Alicia’s House of Paws of any key / entry related occurrences and/or damage to property if other third parties also have access to your home.
8 Dog Training
8.1 Training and Handling Methods
The training techniques used by Alicia's House of Paws are based on the principles of positive reinforcement and, as such, are kind, fair and reward-based. Harsh handling of dogs, physical force and the use of punitive methods/ punishment/ corrections or equipment designed to be aversive (including choke chains, check chains, prong collars, spray collars, e-collars or any other device deemed unacceptable by the trainer) are not permitted in training sessions and should not be used in training your dog. We cannot help you train your dog using these methods.
8.2 Safety
Any instances of accident or injury must be reported to the trainer at the time they occurred. All dogs must be kept safe and it is the responsibility of the owner to ensure the safety of others (other animals and people) with regard to your dog’s behaviour at all times. Flexi leads (extending leads) are not permitted in training sessions in order to avoid injury. For home visits, please arrange for your dog to be in another safe room (without access to the front door) when your trainer first arrives – we are happy to wait while you do this! We will advise you as to when (and how) it would be most appropriate to bring the dog into the room to be introduced to us. If you feel that this arrangement is not suitable for your dog for any reason, please just get in touch and we can discuss the best option for you and your dog.
8.2 Parking
If we are visiting your home, please make a parking place available if possible. If not, and there is on-street parking which requires a visitor permit, please have a visitor permit ready for our use when we arrive. If parking at your home (or other venue at which we have arranged to meet) requires payment, please could you kindly make arrangements for this.
8.3 Children
Children are very welcome to attend training sessions, with appropriate adult supervision. We accept no responsibility for children at training sessions and it is the responsibility of the supervising adult to ensure the children’s safety at all times. Young people under 16 must be accompanied by an adult.
8.4 Marketing/ Privacy
Photographs may occasionally be taken during training sessions. Such photos may be used by us for the purposes of marketing. If you do not wish for photographs of you and/ or your dog to be used or shared, please let us know. Any verbal or written feedback (eg. by email or on feedback forms) may be used for marketing purposes (for example, posted on the website). Only the first name of the person will be used as identification. If you are not happy for us to use your feedback in this way, please let us know. You are welcome to take your own videos and photos at any time.
8.5 Disclaimer
We make every effort to ensure the safety of both clients and dogs during One to One sessions. However, by making a booking with us, you are accepting that participating in an activity with dogs, children and adults poses a risk of injury to yourself and your dog, and you agree to indemnify Alicia's House of Paws for all personal injury and damage to property while attending training sessions. You agree to assume full responsibility for any risks, injuries or damages, known or unknown, which might occur as a result of your dog attending such sessions. You also agree to make any person who accompanies you to the session(s), or takes your place, aware that they are also there at their own risk.You understand and accept that your dog (and his or her behaviour) remains entirely your responsibility at all times, whether or not in the presence of the trainer/behaviourist.
9 General Data Protection Regulations
We respect the information that we hold about you and we take the security of that information very seriously. All information held about you remains strictly confidential. Our Privacy Policy provides more information on the data we hold about you, what we do with that data, who we share your data with and your rights under GDPR. The Privacy Policy is available to view at https://www.wix.com/about/privacy.
10 Alicia’s House of Paws reserves the right to alter / reschedule plans in accordance with work schedule. Outside factors beyond reasonable control may affect service. E.g. this may include one to one walks or group walks as appropriate, rescheduling of visits, cancellation of service.
11 This contract can be terminated by either party at any time for safety reasons or with 4 weeks notice otherwise.
12 You confirm that you have answered all questions truthfully and have not withheld any relevant information. You understand that non-disclosure of information may affect future service provision and negate Alicia’s House of Paws liability insurance.
13 Your agreement and acceptance to engagement of Alicia’s House of Paws dog walking / pet services and the above terms and conditions, is provided by engaging us to carry out agreed service.